My Friend

My friend I know you’re hurting and I wish I could be there

To hold your hand and comfort you, to let you know I care

The loss of one so young and dear is hard to understand

And I know it doesn’t help to hear that God still has His plan

I promise that someday your heart will once again be whole

And you will be reunited heart to heart and soul to soul

Until that day remember you have many loving friends

Who hold you in their prayers and will be here when your heart mends.



For Dennis.



I sit beneath the glowing moon

Bright, and close enough to touch

A supermoon to hear it told

A supernatural thing, as such

A night of magic, full of time

Spent without the bonds of men

A wondrous thing where life has rhyme

That touches on the Devine again

I speak my heart, a wounded thing

Crushed beneath the heel of one

Who spoke of love, and life, and us

Too easily said, too easily undone

Bleach my heart and wash my soul

Leach my pain out to the night

Wash o’er me with  your rays of gold

And cleanse me with your subtle light

I breathe the scent of summer dark

Relax within the warm embrace

Shared with the fireflies’ precious spark

Feel the night caress my face

My heart is eased with promise made

Of healing in the Earth’s warm hand

Lit by the light of the supermoon

To live and laugh….and love again.



Love’s Luminescence

I glimpse the light behind the door
It calls to me to give it life
For air to breathe, to help it grow
That light that dimmed within a wife
Deep within it lives on still
A fragile thing long fed on tears
Pent up within my sorrowed life
Too short the love, too long the years

I glimpse the light behind the door
It beckons with a warm shy smile
It speaks of kisses, passions felt
Caresses, seeking to beguile
Persevering through the pain
It dreams of sorrow’s evanescence
To once again embrace my heart
A gift unsought – love’s luminescence

Breathe Me In

Breathe me in – consume my all

Tremble with me as day begins

Whisper songs of love and dreams

And souls entwined as one again

Night to day all time is done

Sighs like music sing our song

Bodies’ lyrics harmonized

Two hearts as one to each belong

Mesmerize by touch and smell

Two souls, two hearts one as its twin

Never divided eternally one

Consume my all – breathe me in


evening's passion

evening’s passion






Remember Me….

Do you remember me?

Do you remember my touch

The warmth of my breath on your neck

The softness of my sighs


Do you remember me?

That I believed you, and IN you

That I comforted you when you cried

That I loved you when you felt unlovable


Do you remember me?

How we talked for hours into the night

How we planned  and dreamed and created

How we loved


I remember you

And I mourn the loss of that man

 I hope that someday you return to yourself

Even though it will never again be with me



The Trees Speak My Name

The trees speak my name in a rustle and sigh

The clouds shape my pain as they rush on by

The lakes drink my tears where they fall as I cry

And my heart begins to heal


I dream the dreams that the rivers know

My heart soars along where the eagles go

It longs for the purity of  Winter’s snow

And my heart begins to heal


Maine’s natural songs are my solace, my ease

The strength of the mountains the cool of the trees

The timeless wisdom of the infinite seas

And my heart begins to heal


My own perfect haven, my “Songs From the Wood”

To speak of my heartache, to be understood

To be cleansed of my sorrow, love life as I should

And my heart begins to heal


As I feast on your beauty you quiet my soul

You whisper of newness in forests of old

You quietly calm me when I lose control

And my heart can finally heal
















Breathed My Last

When all my days have come and gone and I have breathed my last

I pray I’ve lived a life that’s full and not dwelt in the past

For I once saw a future bright and full of warmth and hope

But that is gone and now alone I struggle just to cope

With hate and tears and feelings that I never knew could be

I struggle to remember that before you there was me

A person strong and caring who could laugh and love and smile

A friend for life who in times of need would go the extra mile

The woman who you loved once was the one I need to find

Before the “us” that shattered me and left my heart behind

I have returned to home and friends, the people I once knew

They help remind this hurting heart that I am worthy too

And in those unexpected times when colors fade to black

When things occur that make me feel my heart’s under attack

I know that they will be there still to bring me back to “me”

The person whole and full of life – the one I choose to be

No longer sad and torn apart, no darkness in my life

A woman strong and loving not the shell that was your wife

I know that I can find myself and somewhere in that time

I’ll save my soul and heal my heart find rhythm to my rhyme

I look ahead to see the die no longer shadow-cast

And I will dream the dreams of love…

“Fore I have breathed my last





Once – Not Now

Once my world turned on a smile
 A touch, a kiss, but all the while
 Your world turned on without me in your heart

A  marriage made, a blessing said
 I shared my life I shared my bed
 Your lies, deceits you shared right from the start

 I tried my best to give you joy
 A daughter, sons, faithful not coy
 You tried to have your wife and mistress too

 I never seemed to measure up
 The “life half empty” in your cup
 While she, your soul-mate, was “the one” for you

 “Not good enough” was what you claimed
 Mother, partner all defamed
 Blamed for all your guilt and lack of care

 So why when I at last moved on
 Do you blame me now for being gone
 Needed now that I’m no longer there

 You want my time you want my thoughts
 You want the friendship once not sought
 You wonder why your life has gone so wrong

She did not stay but left instead
Returning to HER marriage bed
She did not write your name into her song

Not happy when you had my life
 Not happy when I was your wife
 You want my sympathy, compassion, advice

 For now you are all on your own
 Your soul-mate from your arms has flown
 When commitment to you was asked for she thought twice

 No longer will you bring me tears
 No longer will you bring me fears
 No longer yours to nurture or destroy

 My life is mine to laugh or cry
 I have myself –  I’ve said goodbye
 And opened up my heart to future joy

A Love Charade

A Love charade
A lover played
A love decayed
You left – I stayed

Once passion wild
We shared a child
You, she beguiled
Our love defiled

A trust abused
Your love a ruse
You would not choose
My heart a bruise

So I have chosen
All feelings frozen
Bleeding emotion
From loves erosion

Slice of the blade
My choice is made
Now unafraid
No more charade